Welcome Home!

Whether you are the person that is tired of living and is unsure of whether or not to continue on, whether you are the person holding a blade in your hand ready to inflict harm upon yourself, or whether you are just feeling down, welcome to the family. You are not alone. I too have struggled with depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, loneliness, bullying, and hurt. I made this blog as a place people can come to, whatever they are struggling with, and feel safe. We do not judge here because we understand what is like. We won't tell you to just cheer up or snap out of it, we know it is nearly impossible to do that. Here you can find people who are similar to you. You are never alone here. Welcome, this is a home where you will always feel safe, loved, and wanted.

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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Inspirational Quote of The Day

Tough times never last, but tough people do.  - Robert H Schuller

Remember that whatever you are going through is only temporary. It will pass. It may last 1 year, it may last 20, but it will end. Once you come out the other side you will be stronger. You will survive, you will make it through. It won't be easy, but I am always here. I've been there. I know what it is like to want to give up, but I still continue on day by day. You are strong, you are mighty. Be brave. You can do this.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rules (No one likes them but to keep this a safe enviroment we need them) and Introductions

Hello, my name is SunshineAngel (not my real name but this is a place where names do not matter). I have struggled with self harm, suicidal thoughts, and depression. While I struggled, I discovered that there are many people out there who also struggle just like me, and I wanted to make a safe place where they could come to talk and feel like they belong. I would love to get to know a little about you all, you can use a code name like mine (keep it appropriate, no adult content please), so please comment to tell a little about yourself. If you want to use a code name just comment anonymously and sign your comment with it. Ok now for the rules.

1. Absolutely NO bullying.
2. Respect other's beliefs, even if you do not agree with them.
3. No crude humor or sexual content.
4. No cussing.
5.  Be kind.
6. Be Respectful.
7. No encouraging people to commit suicide.
8. No promoting of drugs, alcohol, smoking, or any other harmful substances. (If you already do them, that's fine, just don't encourage others to do them.)
9. Don't turn conversations into political debates.
10. Don't bring drama or fights onto this blog.

These are all the rules I can think of, though I may need to add more as this blog continues to ensure a safe environment for everyone. I look forward to getting to know you all. :)

This blog will post discussion topics, people's stories (if they want), and encouraging posts, so if you are interested in submitting a topic, story, or encouraging post, I will make a special email you can send those too sometime in the near future.

Thank you,
